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Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
10 channels: Metronome, Drums and Percussion, Double Bass, Piano, Organ, Bells, Harmonica, String Section, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
14 channels: Metronome, Drum Kit, Bass Synth, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitarclean, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Distorted Electric Guitar(left), Distorted Electric Guitar(right), Electric Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Keys, Saxophone, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
12 channels: Metronome, Electronic Drum Kit, Bass Synth, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Synth Keys, Arpegiator, Pitched Percussion, Thumb Piano, Wind Instruments, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
15 channels: Metronome, Drum Kit, Percussion, Sound Effect, Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar1, Electric Guitar2, Electric Guitar3, Lead Electric Guitar, Lap Steel Guitar, Organ, Synthesizer, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
14 channels: Metronome, Drums and Percussion, Bass Synth1, Bass Synth2, Bass Synth3, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Electric Piano, Organ, Synthesizer1, Synthesizer2, Synth Brass, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
12 channels: Metronome, Electronic Drum Kit, Percussion, Sound Effect, Bass Synth, Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Keys(Bells), String Section, Wind Instruments, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
12 channels: Metronome, Click, Drum Kit, Percussion, Double Bass, Electric Guitar1, Electric Guitar2, Electric Piano, Organ, String Section, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
15 channels: Metronome (Click + Key), Click, Drums and Percussion, Bass, Electric Guitar 1, Electric Guitar 2, Piano, Organ, Synthesizer, Saxophone, String Section, Sound Effect, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal Meghan Trainor, Lead Vocal Charlie Puth
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
11 channels: Metronome, Drum Kit, Percussion, Sound Effect, Bass, Piano, Synth Pad, Synth Pad(treble), Arpegiator, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal
Format: Multitrack (Stems/Isolated)
15 channels: Metronome, Click, Electronic Drum Kit, Percussion, Bass, Bass Synth, Rhythm Electric Guitar, Rhythm Electric Guitar(right), Electric Guitar, Piano, Organ, Synth Strings, Synth Keys, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocal